Фэнтези - это жанр литературы и кино, который переносит нас в волшебные миры, полные магии, приключений и необыкновенных существ. Одним из самых популярных поджанров фэнтези является зарубежное фэнтези, которое привлекает миллионы читателей и зрителей своей потрясающей фантазией и увлекательными сюжетами. ... Читать полностью
Magdaline Spencer e una ragazza con una vita difficile alle spalle, una madre morta prematuramente ed un padre alcolizzato, che per pagare i propri debiti, la vende al miglior offerente. A salvarla arriva Jessie Fitzpatrik, un angelo che per aiutarla rinuncia alle sue ali, promettendo pero di non vederla mai piu. Grazie ai suoi poteri medianici, Magda entra in contatto con Mori, un angelo morto durante uno scontro con i demoni, che le chiede d ...
The lyrics are a series of short-novels all inspired by the lyrics of Genesys songs. The stories are an elaborate fantasy transformation in the light of imaginary projections induced by listening to some Genesys songs (and reading their lyrics). ”Wind and Wuthering”, ”Duke” and ”a Trick of the Tail ” are the albums of Genesis whose songs inspired these novels. Some of them intertwine with each other, others live their own lives. All the resul ...
Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is. 'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, although some of her school friends say they have similar unusual psychic abilities. The girl's name is Megan and she is twelve years old in this, the first book. Megan has two seemingly insurmountable ...
Heng Lee starts to feel very strange all of a sudden, so he calls in to see the local shaman, who happens to be his aunt. She carries out a few tests and decides that Heng has no blood, but how is he going to tell his family, and what will they do about it? Heng Lee is a goatherd in the remote mountains north-east of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand, very close to the border with Laos. It is a tight-knit community where everyone knows one anothe ...
Volume 3/3: E se nos fossemos meros personagens de um grande romance intitulado ”Homem”? No terceiro episodio da serie ”As aventuras de Azakis e Petri”, os dois adoraveis habitantes de Nibiru devem enfrentar uma ameaca terrivel das profundezas do Universo. Entretanto, desta vez, as suas forcas e a sua incrivel tecnologia podem nao ser suficientes. Mas, e se auxilio viesse de um lugar inesperado? Reviravoltas, revelacoes e releituras de eve ...
A volte viviamo la vita senza renderci conto che c’e qualcosa di piu ad attenderci ma, in momenti precisi e senza sapere ne come ne perche, tutto questo cambia. Scopri attraverso la nostra protagonista come si arriva ad accettare e a capire che non tutto e come sembra, imparando a scoprire un nuovo mondo per il quale nessuno si sente preparato. Vivi con lei quest'esperienza cosi importante che puo cambiare il tuo modo di vedere la vita, che la ...
Volumen 1/3. ”Estabamos volviendo. Solo habia pasado un ano solar desde que hemos tenido que abandonar rapidamente el planeta pero, para ellos, habian pasado 3.600 anos terrestres. ?Que ibamos a encontrar?” Nibiru, el duodecimo planeta de nuestro sistema solar, tiene una orbita extremadamente eliptica, retrograda y bastante mas grande de la de los otros planetas. De hecho, para hacer un giro completo alrededor del Sol tarda casi 3.600 anos. Sus ...