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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Водный транспорт

Водный транспорт играет особую роль в современном мире, облегчая перемещение грузов и пассажиров по всему земному шару. Суда, лодки и корабли являются эффективными и экологически чистыми средствами передвижения, обеспечивая взаимосвязь между различными странами и континентами. В данной статье мы рассмотрим различные виды водного транспорта, его значение для мировой экономики и потенциал для дальнейшего развития. ... Читать полностью

 Физическая гидродинамика движения в жидкости и новая, природо-подобная технология хода грузовых судов
 Физическая гидродинамика движения в жидкости и новая, природо-подобная технология хода грузовых судов

 Автор: Анатолий Дзюба
 Год: 2020

  Предлагается анализ движения тела в жидкой среде, впервые выполненный на основе первичных законов физики. Разделение движущих сил по характеру действия на статические и ударно-дискретные определило нарастание скорости хода судна дискретно-периодичным. Это позволило составить энергетическое уравнение движения и получить вывод формулы скорости хода равномерного движения судна. Показано, что почти все сопротивление движению, 86 процентов от движу
 The Ship of Dreams
 The Ship of Dreams

 Автор: Gareth Russell

  When the Titanic sank, so did the Edwardian age that created it. In this brilliantly original history, Gareth Russell recasts a tragedy we think we know to explore an era of seismic change.With new research and previously unseen first-hand accounts, Gareth Russell peers through the most famous portholes in the world to follow six travellers. Amongst them, a Jewish-American immigrant, an American movie star, a member of the British nobility, and
 Водолазное обеспечение гидротехнических работ
 Водолазное обеспечение гидротехнических работ

 Автор: Михаил Колосов
 Год: 2020

 Our Great Canal Journeys: A Lifetime of Memories on Britain's Most Beautiful Waterways
 Our Great Canal Journeys: A Lifetime of Memories on Britain's Most Beautiful Waterways

 Автор: Timothy West

  For more than half a century, a shared love of canals and narrowboats has been inseparable from the marriage of Timothy West and Prunella Scales. The two iconic actors have spent many of the happiest days of their life together enjoying the calming pleasures of watching land and nature unfold before them at four miles an hour.<br><br>In 2014, Tim and Pru took to the canals of Britain and beyond with a television crew and a brief to r
 Model Yachts and Model Sailing - How to Build, Rig, and Sail a Self-Acting Model Yacht
 Model Yachts and Model Sailing - How to Build, Rig, and Sail a Self-Acting Model Yacht

 Автор: James E. Walton

  This vintage book is a complete guide to building, rigging, and sailing self-acting model yachts. With simple, step-by-step instructions and a wealth of useful tips, this profusely illustrated handbook constitutes a must-have for the novice enthusiast, and would make for a fantastic addition collections of allied literature. Contents include: “Principles of Self-Acting Model Yacht Building”, “How to make the Hull”, “How to Make the Deck Fittings
 The Women who Came in the Mayflower
 The Women who Came in the Mayflower

 Автор: Annie Russel Marble

  “The Women who Came in the Mayflower” is a 1920 work by Annie Russel Marble within which she looks at the female passengers of the 'Mayflower', an English ship that transported early Pilgrims to the New World in 1620. The ship has since become an important part of American history and culture, as well as the subject of innumerable works of art, plays, films, poems, songs, books, etc. This fascinating treatise is highly recommended for
 The Mayflower and Her Log - July 15, 1620 - May 6, 1621 - Chiefly from Original Sources
 The Mayflower and Her Log - July 15, 1620 - May 6, 1621 - Chiefly from Original Sources

 Автор: Azel Ames

  First published in 1901, “The Mayflower and Her Log” looks in detail into the historic voyage of the 'Mayflower', an English ship that transported early Pilgrims to the New World in 1620. The ship has since become an important part of American history and culture, as well as the subject of innumerable works of art, plays, films, poems, songs, books, etc. Drawing upon original sources, this fascinating account of the incidents and peopl
 The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims - And Its Place in Life Today
 The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims - And Its Place in Life Today

 Автор: Albert Christopher Addison

  “The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims – And Its Place in Life Today” is a 1911 account of the events and forces that prompted the famed landing in Plymouth of the 'Mayflower', an English ship that transported early Pilgrims to the New World in 1620. The ship has since become an important part of American history and culture, as well as the subject of innumerable works of art, plays, films, poems, songs, books, etc. A fascinatin
 The Buccaneers of America
 The Buccaneers of America

 Автор: Alexander O. Exquemelin

  A cross between genuine privateers, commissioned to defend a country's colonies and trade, and outright pirates, buccaneers were largely English, French, and Dutch adventurers who plied the waters among the Caribbean Islands and along the coasts of Central America, Venezuela, and Colombia more than 300 years ago. The activities of these bands of plundering sea rovers reached a peak in the second half of the seventeenth century, when this re
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