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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 ...is... what a Poet said
 ...is... what a Poet said

 Автор: Jean Galliano

  . . . Is… What a Poet Said is a collection of mystical and spiritual poetry by three distinctive voices: Aschak, Jean Galliano, and Ekillous.<br>Taken together, the poems on the pages to follow invoke the various stages of life. In some poems, the poets continue to be children. In others, they are at a questioning stage. And finally, they display the wisdom of maturity. No one of them is either all child, all young adult, all completely ma
 Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage
 Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

 Автор: James BA?yor

  Genesis Sabotage is the first journal in the Guarded Hearts trilogy. Mankind is suffering. No one will deny that, but why? The human mind is in a precarious state of confusion, the result of a biological event that man perpetrated upon men centuries ago. We are each the deliberate victim of an inherited sensory sabotage. This journal introduces the reader to 320 definitive statements that will awaken your consciousness in preparation for the res
 The Abyss
 The Abyss

 Автор: James BA?yor

  Have you ever asked yourself why human beings are compelled to agree? Is it in our organic human nature to gather in like-minded groups and segregate ourselves from others with dissimilar opinions? Why do we feel the need to call ourselves good or right, believing only we have a firm grasp of the truth, while we label those not like us as bad or wrong? Is it possible that our compulsion to agree is an elaborate man-made control mechanism, rooted

 Five Questions: Answers to Life's Greatest Mysteries
 Five Questions: Answers to Life's Greatest Mysteries

 Автор: Philip Benguhe

  Five Questions attempts to answer some of life&#39;s most basic and profound philosophic questions utilizing a holistic approach. The book offers the perspective that while individuals have attempted to answer these questions from a religious, philosophic, cultural or scientific perspective; the only hope at a more complete answer would arise from an integration of ideas from each of these areas.<br><br>The five key questions are
 Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma
 Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma

 Автор: Linda Stein-Luthke

  Paul Newman and Karampal Singh speak to us from the higher planes about karma, a fundamental concept that is frequently misunderstood. They share profound insights into the laws that govern microcosms and macrocosm alike, the stars above as well as our lives on earth.<br><br>In authentic and unmistakable voices, Paul Newman and Karampal Singh illustrate their teachings with fascinating references to their own past lives as well as cu
 Angel's Eye
 Angel's Eye

 Автор: Jean CDN Galliano

  Angel&#39;s Eye is a chronicle of astral travels and out-of-body experiences. It is about the awakening of consciousness and the evolution of mind. Angelic and demonic visitations culminate into personal redemption. Angel&#39;s Eye profiles a prolific initiation into higher truth. Strewn with pearls of poetry, it explores and reveals the inner reality of pure spirit.
 Opening the Door: Jan Frazier Teachings On Awakening
 Opening the Door: Jan Frazier Teachings On Awakening

 Автор: Jan Inc. Frazier

  Jan Frazier experienced a radical transformation of consciousness at age fifty, in 2003. Her first book, &quot;When Fear Falls Away: The Story of a Sudden Awakening&quot; (Weiser Books, 2007), is an account of her awakening, as it unfolded over the first eighteen months. &quot;The Freedom of Being: At Ease with What Is&quot; (Weiser Books, 2012) offers guidance toward the reduction of suffering and the prospect of radical freedom
 On the Way: Growth and Transcendence of Personal Consciousness
 On the Way: Growth and Transcendence of Personal Consciousness

 Автор: John K. LandrA©

  Personal growth is a slow process, so slow that most people are unaware of the fact that, fundamentally, we do change several times during our lives. On the Way is about these personal transformations. It describes how growth of consciousness happens and how we can measure where we are in our individual growth, what comes next for us, and why. It illustrates how, at all levels of development, we can learn to guide our own growth.<br><br
 The Vanishment
 The Vanishment

 Автор: Robert LPN Firth

  The VANISHMENT describes a fictional account of a modern day visitation by the late great Jesus Christ. The appearance of the spirit in the personage of the son of God or God himself, with all his miraculous powers, in the back yard of a middle class white guy, begins an astounding series of happenings that change mankind and the world forever.<br><br>The book relates the authors rather wry and at times hilarious and wishful account
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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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