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Зарубежная публицистика

> 9781619335271
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     :Зарубежная публицистика
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GM 200C, руководство по ремонту коробки передач в электронном виде (на английском языке)
GM 200C, руководство по ремонту коробки передач в электронном виде (на английском языке)

A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation

A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation
Автор: Thomas DeForge
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781619335271
Качество: excellent
What happened? How did it all go wrong? What can we do? Who is to blame? Will the madness ever stop? What will my children do? These are just a few of the questions that many Americans are asking themselves without any real good answers.

Confused, desperate, unaware, frustrated, afraid, angry, destitute, depressed, disheartened, bewildered, hopeless, these words describe what an ever growing number of Americans are feeling today when they think about their lives and their country.

If you are like most Americans, tired of the political speak, concerned about your future, frustrated by the constant confusion that best describe our current State of the Union, then A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation, is a book you cannot afford to pass up.
Written in part using satire, A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation delivers a unique insight using historical events while revealing to the reader how certain ingredients when infused and manipulated correctly into an economy will steal away a nation’s wealth while turning it into a debtor nation allowing a select few to accumulate massive profits.
While it is not the intent of this book to teach people how to reap huge profits while stealing the wealth of a nation, There is no better way to teach patriotic Americans how to prevent this by pulling back the veil and revealing these methods. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or politically unaffiliated, this is our country and while things may seem dismal today, if we come together, understand real history, see things for what they are, teach our children and take action, there is hope for a very bright future for our nation.
United We Stand Divided We Fall

NEAR Wallet
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