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> 9781922328564
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Nissan Truck / Pathfinder (D21) c 1989 по 1995 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке), 4 части
Nissan Truck / Pathfinder (D21) c 1989 по 1995 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке), 4 части

One Year of Thankful Thursdays

One Year of Thankful Thursdays
Автор: Susan W. Brown
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781922328564
Качество: excellent
Hustle! Go get it! This is your moment! So many of our moments are caught up in trying to figure out what to do next according to the world's latest desire or trend. This can become truly exhausting and overwhelming. What if we decided to take control of the narrative by changing the paradigm completely. What if the hustle and constant movement have actually derailed us from the joy that is possible? What if slowing down the pace, just for a second, allows you the space to notice, maybe for the first time all the truly incredible gifts that surround you every moment of every day. Too often, we think of gratitude maybe only during the holidays when we are told to by social media or commercialism. This can be a disenchanting view as we have so much to be thankful for we could easily list 10 things each day for every day of the year. Let's initiate our own intentional search for joy by having eyes to see the beauty all around us. Let's embark on a journey of ONE YEAR OF THANKFUL THURSDAYS! These won't include the typical thanksgivings either…these are a bit unique and require some thoughtful perspective. Let's look at things from a completely different vantage point and find gratitude in what some may call the ordinary or mundane. My friend, none of it is truly mundane and there is always always always something to be thankful for. We just need to take out those perspective glasses, dust them off, and see anew what an amazing world it is and all there is to be thankful for on a minute by minute basis! Once you start to see things clearly with an attitude of gratitude, it truly changes everything! You start to see that everything really can be viewed through a heavenly perspective. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility no matter how unusual for pointing to the One who made us to seek Him out in all the details of life! With that said, let's dive into cultivating a heart of gratitude!

NEAR Wallet
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