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Современные религиозные течения

> 9781498241762
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Mitsubishi V4AW4 / V5MT1,  gearbox, service e-manual
Mitsubishi V4AW4 / V5MT1, gearbox, service e-manual

The Kingship of Jesus in the Gospel of John

The Kingship of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Автор: Sehyun Kim
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781498241762
Качество: excellent
This book studies kingship with reference to the Johannine Jesus. Postcolonialism leads us to an avenue from which to read this Gospel in the more complex and wider context of the hybridized Jewish and Greco-Roman worlds of the Roman Empire in the first century CE. This provides a new perspective on the kingship of the Johannine Jesus, whose kingly identity is characterized by hybridized christological titles. For the Johannine readers in the first century, who were exploited, oppressed, yet at odds with both the colonizer and the colonized in the Roman Empire, this Gospel was deemed to reveal his identity. Using many christological titles, it presented Jesus as the universal king going beyond the Jewish Messiah(s) and the Roman emperors and also as the decolonizer who came to «his own» world to liberate his people from the darkness. In this respect, the ideology of the Johannine emphasizes that love, peace, freedom, service of the center for the margins, and forgiveness are the ruling forces in the new world where Jesus reigns as king. Raising an awareness of these ideologies, John's gospel asks readers to overcome the conflicting world shrouded in darkness, thenceforth entering the new Johannine world.

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