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Лесное хозяйство

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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Лесное хозяйство

Леса играют важную роль в жизни нашей планеты, обеспечивая чистый воздух, воду, биоразнообразие и множество других экосистемных услуг. Однако, чтобы эти блага сохранить и продолжать пользоваться лесными ресурсами, необходимо правильно управлять лесами. Именно поэтому Лесное хозяйство становится ключевым инструментом в достижении устойчивого развития. ... Читать полностью

 В лес по картины
 В лес по картины

 Автор: Пётр Сергеевич Ершов
 Год: 2020

  Один мальчик пошёл в лес со своими друзьями за грибами и ягодами, но нашёл он там кое-что, чего он найти там не ожидал.

 Автор: Stephen J. Pyne

  Over vast expanses of time, fire and humanity have interacted to expand the domain of each, transforming the earth and what it means to be human. In this concise yet wide-ranging book, Stephen J. Pyne—named by Science magazine as “the world’s leading authority on the history of fire”—explores the surprising dynamics of fire before humans, fire and human origins, aboriginal economies of hunting
 Forests Are Gold
 Forests Are Gold

 Автор: Pamela D. McElwee

  Forests Are Gold examines the management of Vietnam's forests in the tumultuous twentieth century�from French colonialism to the recent transition to market-oriented economics�as the country united, prospered, and transformed people and landscapes. Forest policy has rarely been about ecology or conservation for nature�s sake, but about managing citizens and society, a process Pamela McElwee terms &#65533

 Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime
 Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime
 The Rhine
 The Rhine

 Автор: Mark Cioc

  The Rhine River is Europe�s most important commercial waterway, channeling the flow of trade among Switzerland, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. In this innovative study, Mark Cioc focuses on the river from the moment when the Congress of Vienna established a multinational commission charged with making the river more efficient for purposes of trade and commerce in 1815. He examines the engineering and administrative decisions of
 Faith in Nature
 Faith in Nature

 Автор: Thomas Dunlap

  The human impulse to religion–the drive to explain the world, humans, and humans’ place in the universe – can be seen to encompass environmentalism as an offshoot of the secular, material faith in human reason and power that dominates modern society. Faith in Nature traces the history of environmentalism–and its moral thrust–from its roots in the Enlightenment and Romanticism through the Progressive Era to the present. Drawing astonishing para
 The Lost Wolves of Japan
 The Lost Wolves of Japan

 Автор: Brett L. Walker

  Many Japanese once revered the wolf as Oguchi no Magami, or Large-Mouthed Pure God, but as Japan began its modern transformation wolves lost their otherworldly status and became noxious animals that needed to be killed. By 1905 they had disappeared from the country. In this spirited and absorbing narrative, Brett Walker takes a deep look at the scientific, cultural, and environmental dimensions of wolf extinction in Japan and tracks changing att
 Driven Wild
 Driven Wild

 Автор: Paul S. Sutter

  In its infancy, the movement to protect wilderness areas in the United States was motivated less by perceived threats from industrial and agricultural activities than by concern over the impacts of automobile owners seeking recreational opportunities in wild areas. Countless commercial and government purveyors vigorously promoted the mystique of travel to breathtakingly scenic places, and roads and highways were built to facilitate such travel.
 Conservation in the Progressive Era
 Conservation in the Progressive Era

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Conservation was the first nationwide political movement in American history to grapple with environmental problems like waste, pollution, resource exhaustion, and sustainability. At its height, the conservation movement was a critical aspect of the broader reforms undertaken in the Progressive Era (1890-1910), as the rapidly industrializing nation struggled to protect human health, natural beauty, and «national efficiency.» This highly effectiv
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