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Nissan Terrano (D21) 1985 thru 1994, service e-manual (in German)
Nissan Terrano (D21) 1985 thru 1994, service e-manual (in German)
 Athens - Its Rise and Fall (Vol. 1&2)
 Athens - Its Rise and Fall (Vol. 1&2)

 Автор: Эдвард Бульвер-Литтон

  Athens: Its Rise and Fall in 2 volumes is a history of ancient Athens written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Author's object was to combine an account of Athens' administration and politics with a complex view of the literature, providing the complete history of the Athenian drama and philosophy.

 ?Ha enterrado la ciencia a Dios?
 ?Ha enterrado la ciencia a Dios?

 Автор: John C. Lennox

  ?Por que existe algo en vez de nada? Mas en concreto, ?por que existe el universo? ?De donde vino y hacia donde va, si es que se encamina a algun sitio? ?Constituye la realidad ultima o hay un mas alla? ?Se puede preguntar por el significado de toda la realidad, o tenia razon Bertrand cuando dijo que «el universo esta ahi y no hay mas»?
Aunque la ciencia con todo su poder no puede lidiar con algunas de las preguntas fundamentales que hem
 La verdad en los tiempos de la posverdad
 La verdad en los tiempos de la posverdad

 Автор: Rafael Gomez Perez

  Se constata una mutabilidad de la verdad en el entendimiento que juzga. Si esta verdad puede cambiar, es posible el progreso de la filosofia, y tambien su retroceso. El autor aborda en este libro la mutabilidad de esta verdad logica, tal y como la afronto Tomas de Aquino. Pero este no tuvo en cuenta el factor de la historicidad, y por ese motivo, Gomez Perez lo contrasta con textos esenciales de Heidegger.
Tras estudiar la mutabilidad de

 La palabra manipulada
 La palabra manipulada

 Автор: Alfonso Lopez Quintas

  El manipulador es astuto en el uso del lenguaje y procura despojar de recursos al manipulado. Este libro estimula el sentido critico para pensar con precision y buscar lo verdadero a toda costa.
 No llores que vas a ser feliz
 No llores que vas a ser feliz

 Автор: Neus Roig

  El libro que desvela toda la trama de los ninos robados en Espana entre 1938 y 1996.Estamos ante una de las investigaciones mas detalladas y escalofriantes de la historia reciente de Espana: a traves de una documentacion exhaustiva, recorriendo archivos de hospitales, recopilando documentacion judicial y funeraria, y entrevistandose con afectados, tanto padres y madres en busca de sus hijos desaparecidos como hijos que sospechan haber sido «nino
 Defending General Custer's Legacy: Complete Illustrated Trilogy
 Defending General Custer's Legacy: Complete Illustrated Trilogy

 Автор: Elizabeth Bacon Custer

  Elizabeth Bacon Custer began writing articles and making speaking engagements praising the glory of what she presented as her «martyred» husband, General George Armstrong Custer. Her three books—Boots and Saddles (1885), Tenting on the Plains—(1887), and Following the Guidon (1890) aimed at glorifying her dead husband's memory. Though generally considered to be largely factually accurate, they were clearly slanted in Custer's favor. He
 The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America: 1497-1763 (Illustrated)
 The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America: 1497-1763 (Illustrated)

 Автор: Reginald W. Jeffery

  "It has been my object in this book to put into a handy form a short narrative of the History of the Thirteen Colonies. In the limited space at my command I have endeavoured to give as often as possible the actual words of contemporaries, hoping that the reader may thereby be tempted to search further for himself amongst the mass of documentary evidence which still needs so much careful study." Early English Voyages to North America Virgi
 Following the Guidon (Illustrated Edition)
 Following the Guidon (Illustrated Edition)

 Автор: Elizabeth Bacon Custer

  Following the Guidon is a biography of General Custer, written by his wife Elizabeth Bacon. The book deals with the late period of his military career. Bacon pictures Custer's ability to recall to duty after being court-martialed. Then, she brings a detailed account of the battles Custer was taking part in starting with the Battle of the Washita.

 Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the K?iche?s (Illustrated)
 Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the K?iche?s (Illustrated)

 Автор: Augustus Le Plongeon

  This book is a result of author's trip to Yucatan where he studied ancient Maya sites. His goal was to explore the possibility of links between the Maya and the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Atlantis. The author was one of the first persons to photograph and study Chicen Itza. His photographic work was methodical and systematic, and he took hundreds of photos. He documented entire Maya buildings, such as the «Governor's Palace» at
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