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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual

Геодезия является одной из наиболее важных и неотъемлемых отраслей географических наук. Это наука, которая занимается изучением и измерением Земли, а также созданием точных карт и планов местности. Основной задачей геодезии является определение географического положения точек на поверхности Земли, их высоты над уровнем моря, а также решение различных проблем, связанных с изучением и использованием нашей планеты. ... Читать полностью

 Poczatki. Opowiesc o tym, jak Ziemia nas stworzyla
 Poczatki. Opowiesc o tym, jak Ziemia nas stworzyla

 Автор: Lewis Dartnell

 Инженерные изыскания в строительстве инженерных сооружений
 Инженерные изыскания в строительстве инженерных сооружений

 Автор: Т. Г. Смирнова
 Год: 2020

  В учебно-методическом пособии рассмотрены вопросы инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии на строительной площадке. Предназначено для самостоятельной подготовки обучающихся к практическим занятиям и лабораторным работам по дисциплине «Инженерные изыскания в строительстве (Геология)». Для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 08.03.01 Строительство.
 Harmonic Proportion and Form in Nature, Art and Architecture
 Harmonic Proportion and Form in Nature, Art and Architecture

 Автор: Samuel Colman

  A treatise on the laws governing proportional form in both nature and the arts and sciences, this well-illustrated volume amply demonstrates how a design's geometrical construction can captivate both the eye and the mind. Flowers, shells, and other natural organisms appear here, along with artistic creations, in a mathematical study of the similarity of their constructive principles. These principles, in turn, are the fundamental elements b

 Planet X - God's Endgame
 Planet X - God's Endgame

 Автор: David Meade

  Planet X was the subject of free and open debate among astronomers and scientists decades ago. Harrington searched for the same object that famous astronomers such as Percival Lowell also searched for. He published a paper on where he believed he would find Planet X and traveled to New Zealand with his own telescope to observe his discovery.<br><br>After his trip, Harrington was silenced by a bizarre onset of esophageal cancer and di
 My Super-Awesome Vacation to Planet Earth
 My Super-Awesome Vacation to Planet Earth

 Автор: Steve Ferris

  A young alien boy from another world gives this presentation of his family&#39;s trip to planet Earth. Learn about how amazing Earth is from his point of view as he tells us amazing facts and shares drawings of his vacation. Wait a minute! Did you just see an alien&#39;s hand in the picture? Follow the story to the end and get a surprise reveal of what our little presenter really looks like.
 Latitude & Longitude: Geography 2nd Grade for Kids | Children's Earth Sciences Books Edition
 Latitude & Longitude: Geography 2nd Grade for Kids | Children's Earth Sciences Books Edition

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Learn to read maps, and locate regions in the world by using latitude and longitude. Is the lesson complicated? Perhaps, but with the right resource it should be easy enough for a second grader to learn. What makes this book effective is the right mix of texts and pictures. A child will be entertained by the colors, and educated by the facts. Buy a copy now!
 Wonders Of The World (Did You Know)
 Wonders Of The World (Did You Know)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  A child would love to see a book like this mainly because of the many beautiful architecture pictures within it. When a child sees something like an impressive pyramid, an ancient temple, or even something that is natural instead of made by humans, the child will begin asking questions, which helps them to learn more. This book contains many beautiful pictures of remarkable wonders located in the world, but also descriptions of where they are, i
 The Practice of Reproducible Research
 The Practice of Reproducible Research

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The Practice of Reproducible Research&#160;presents concrete examples of how researchers in the data-intensive sciences are working to improve the reproducibility of their research projects. In each of the thirty-one case studies in this volume, the author or team describes the workflow that they used to complete a real-world research project. Authors highlight how they utilized particular tools, ideas, and practices to support reproducibili
 The Birth of the Anthropocene
 The Birth of the Anthropocene

 Автор: Jeremy Davies

  The world faces an environmental crisis unprecedented in human history. Carbon dioxide levels have reached heights not seen for three million years, and the greatest mass extinction since the time of the dinosaurs appears to be underway. Such far-reaching changes suggest something remarkable: the beginning of a new geological epoch. It has been called the Anthropocene. <I>The Birth of the Anthropocene</I> shows how this epochal trans
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