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TATA LPK 2516 / LPK 2518, parts catalog e-manual
TATA LPK 2516 / LPK 2518, parts catalog e-manual

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
Автор: Emily Bronte
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781513264066
Качество: excellent
In this new edition of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, re-read the classic love story that has haunted and inspired nearly who’ve come across it. From the burning love between Catherine and Heathcliff, to the estranged family dynamics at Wuthering Heights, Bronte’s novel explores the dangers of a love that remains forever unrequited. Lockwood, a striking young man from the south of England, is only looking for some respite when he decides to rent a mysterious property in Yorkshire. The landlord, a crotchety old man named Heathcliff, tends to Lockwood as he becomes acquainted with the expansive and haunting property. When inclement weather strikes, Lockwood is forced to stay in the manner at Wuthering Heights, the home of Heathcliff himself. When Lockwood suddenly falls ill, Nelly, the housekeeper tends to him, and spills all the dirty secrets that have been concealed there over the years. Learning about the turbulent relationship between Heathcliff and his deceased lover Catherine Earnshaw, Lockwood struggles to piece together what truly happened on the property at Wuthering Heights. The stories concealed within Wuthering Heights have been hailed as completely original in the legacy of Victorian era literature. Emily Bronte created new narrative structures, such as the frame narrative, which had not been seen before. This avant-garde writing style has been celebrated for decades. Wuthering Heights is a love story that will both terrify and enthrall the most daring of readers.Professionally type-set, and including a new section about the author herself, Wuthering Heights is just as riveting today as it was when it was originally published in 1847.

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