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Honda PX4B gearbox, service e-manual

A Cinnamon Afternoon

A Cinnamon Afternoon
Автор: Adrian Tanase
Издательство: Bookwire
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9783969175118
Качество: excellent
A Cinnamon Afternoon is a collection of 144 poems that introduces the reader to a surreal world, that exists intertwined with our mundane, casual world, where everything is interconnected and exists simultaneously as reality and also as imagination.
Visions, contemplative states, delightful incursions in the lands where everything exists as sweet baked goodies, created and induced with the help of contemporary free-form poetry, keep the reader wanting to read more, so he can dwell again and again in the dimension where everything is just a fantasy seen from the corner of the eye. Add romance, out of time perceptions, surrealism, and mystery and you'll start to get an idea on how this book unfolds, page after page.
The book manages to create that atmosphere where maturity and child-like play are blending together, projecting the reader in a timeless dimension, right in his living room, guiding him through a series of joyful adventures where the imaginative mind plays its strongest point. Envisioning real-life situations through playful and often surreal eyes brings that coziness and heart mending space, where the reader feels the warmth of his serene self coming back as if a thousand pieces of his soul are forming the big puzzle, again.
In just a few words, the book can be described as a poetic journey into an imaginary cinnamon world that we all wish for, in our innermost cherished dreams.

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