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Honda PX4B gearbox, service e-manual
Honda PX4B gearbox, service e-manual
 Современные религиозные течения
 Gleanings in Genesis
 Gleanings in Genesis

 Автор: Arthur W. Pink

  "Gleanings in Genesis" is Arthur W. Pink's lengthy examination of the biblical «Book of Genesis.»
 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
 The Confessions of Saint Augustine

 Автор: Saint Bishop of Hippo Augustine

  The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered by many to be one of the most important religious biographies of all time. Written in the middle of the 4th century «The Confessions of Saint Augustine» tells of its author's upbringing in Algeria, his place at the Imperial court of Milan, his struggle to overcome his sexual desires, and the ultimate dedication of his life to Christ and Christian ways. «The Confessions of Saint Augustine» is
 Ramayana (Abridged)
 Ramayana (Abridged)

 Автор: Anonymous

  The «Ramayana» is an ancient Sanskrit epic originating in India and dating from at least the third century BC. It is not a single text, but instead is comprised of many texts, as well as oral renditions. Traditionally, it is ascribed to the Hindu sage, Valmiki. However, the work as it is now known is believed to have many insertions of a much later date than the original work. It forms an important part of the Hindu canon reflecting religious, p

 The Ecclesiastical History of the English People
 The Ecclesiastical History of the English People

 Автор: Bede

  "The Ecclesiastical History of the English People" is considered one of the most important documents of Anglo-Saxon history. The work is chiefly concerned with the conflict between Roman and Celtic Christianity from the time of Julius Caesar until the time of the books completion circa 731 AD. In drawing upon numerous primary and secondary resources Bede creates not only an important historical document in «The Ecclesiastical History of the
 The Works of Philo (Volume 2 of 4)
 The Works of Philo (Volume 2 of 4)

 Автор: Philo

  Philo, known also as Philo of Alexandria, Philo Judaeus, and Philo the Jew, among other names, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria from 20 BC to 50 CE. Philo's works are most known for being allegorical interpretations of the Scriptures, fusing Jewish thought to Stoic philosophy. Although not widely accepted in his time, his vast collection of works had a powerful influence on early Christian theology and especially
 The Hidden Power and Other Papers Upon Mental Science
 The Hidden Power and Other Papers Upon Mental Science

 Автор: Thomas Troward

  "To realise fully how much of our present daily life consists in symbols is to find the answer to the old, old question, What is Truth? and in the degree in which we begin to recognise this we begin to approach Truth. The realisation of Truth consists in the ability to translate symbols, whether natural or conventional, into their equivalents; and the root of all the errors of mankind consists in the inability to do this, and in maintaining
 The Kingdom of God is Within You
 The Kingdom of God is Within You

 Автор: Leo Tolstoy

  In the words of the translator of this volume «The Kingdom of God is Within You» is «one of the most remarkable studies of the social and psychological condition of the modern world.» In «The Kingdom of God is Within You» Tolstoy expounds upon his earlier work «What I Believe.» Tolstoy believes that the true message of Christ is one of peace, love and harmony and he draws sharp contrast to the church doctrine of his time in which he finds the ab
 The Book of Mormon
 The Book of Mormon

 Автор: Joseph F. Smith

  This sacred text of the Later Day Saint movement was first published by Joseph Smith in 1830. «The Book of Mormon» was purportedly the result of divine revelation. According to the legend, Joseph Smith was visited by the Angel Moroni, who revealed to him the location of a secret collection of ancient writings, engraved on golden plates by ancient prophets. These plates told of a time six hundred years before the birth of Christ when God brought
 The Institutes of Christian Religion
 The Institutes of Christian Religion

 Автор: John Calvin

  John Calvin's magnum opus «The Institutes of Christian Religion» is a monumental text of Christianity and a foundational work of Western Civilization. First penned in 1536 in Latin, this seminal work of protestant theology has been translated into countless languages and studied widely by theologians, pastors, university students, and religious scholars alike for nearly five hundred years. In it, John Calvin sets out to examine, challenge,
Показано 1918 - 1926 (всего 7463 позиций)
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