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Nissan Sentra / 200SX c 1995 по 1999 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке), 5 частей
Nissan Sentra / 200SX c 1995 по 1999 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке), 5 частей
 Прочая образовательная литература
 Stretchable Electronics
 Stretchable Electronics

 Автор: Takao Someya

  On a daily basis, our requirements for technology become more innovative and creative and the field of electronics is helping to lead the way to more advanced appliances. This book gathers and evaluates the materials, designs, models, and technologies that enable the fabrication of fully elastic electronic devices that can tolerate high strain. Written by some of the most outstanding scientists in the field, it lays down the undisputed knowledge
 Systems Biology
 Systems Biology

 Автор: Robert A. Meyers

  Systems biology is a relatively new biological study field that focuses on the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems, thus using a new perspective (integration instead of reduction) to study them. Particularly from year 2000 onwards, the term is used widely in the biosciences, and in a variety of contexts. Systems biology is the study of the interconnected aspect of molecular, cellular, tissue, whole animal and ecologica
 Why Philosophize?
 Why Philosophize?

 Автор: Jean-Francois Lyotard

  Why Philosophize? is a series of lectures given by Jean-Francois Lyotard to students at the Sorbonne embarking on their university studies. The circumstances obliged him to be both clear and concise: at the same time, his lectures offer a profound and far-reaching meditation on how essential it is to philosophize in a world where philosophy often seems irrelevant, outdated, or inconclusive. Lyotard begins by drawing on Plato, Proust and Lacan to

 Scrum fur Dummies
 Scrum fur Dummies

 Автор: Michael Franken

  Sie kommen mit den gewohnten Projektmanagementmethoden nicht mehr weiter oder sind einfach neugierig, wie Scrum zur Verbesserung Ihrer Arbeitsablaufe beitragen kann? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige fur Sie. Der zertifizierte Scrum-Trainer Michael Franken erklart Ihnen, was Scrum ist und wie genau es funktioniert. Lernen Sie die verschiedenen Rollen wie Product Owner und Scrum Master kennen, planen Sie Meetings und Sprints, erstellen Sie
 What Is Sociolinguistics?
 What Is Sociolinguistics?

 Автор: Gerard Herk Van

  What is Sociolinguistics? is a tour through the major issues that define the field, such as region, status, gender, time, language attitudes, interaction, and style, while also exploring the sociolinguistics of multilingualism, culture and ethnicity, language contact, and education, all introduced with excitement, humor, and deep knowledge. Explores the sociolinguistics of multilingualism, culture and ethnicity, language contact, and education P
 Understanding International Law
 Understanding International Law

 Автор: Conway Henderson W.

  Understanding International Law presents a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the various aspects of international law while addressing its interrelationship with world politics. Presents well-organized, balanced coverage of all aspects of international law Features an accompanying website with direct access to court cases and study and discussion questions. Visit the site at: www.wiley.com/go/internationallaw Includes discussion of the e
 Geotechnical Problem Solving
 Geotechnical Problem Solving

 Автор: John Lommler C.

  Devised with a focus on problem solving, Geotechnical Problem Solving bridges the gap between geotechnical and soil mechanics material covered in university Civil Engineering courses and the advanced topics required for practicing Civil, Structural and Geotechnical engineers. By giving newly qualified engineers the information needed to apply their extensive theoretical knowledge, and informing more established practitioners of the latest develo
 Building Contract Casebook
 Building Contract Casebook

 Автор: Michael Furmston

  The interaction between general principles and the provisions of the standard building and construction contracts is a central feature of construction law. The major part of the law is laid down in decided cases, and construction professionals should be familiar with these cases but the information is scattered throughout a large number of law reports. The fifth edition of Powell Smith and Furmston's Building Contract Casebook is designed to hel
 Why Cultural Studies?
 Why Cultural Studies?

 Автор: Gilbert Rodman B.

  Why Cultural Studies? is a rallying call for a reinvigoration of the project of cultural studies that provides a critical analysis of its meteoric rise to the academic fore and makes a convincing argument for the pressing need for a renewed investment in, and re-evaluation of, its core ideals. Rodman argues that there are valuable lessons we can learn from cultural studies’ past that have the potential to lead cultural studies to an invigorated
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