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Audi TT (BJ) 2007 thru 2014, service e-manual
Audi TT (BJ) 2007 thru 2014, service e-manual
 Лекция «Мозг и свобода воли. Версия 2018 года»
 Лекция «Мозг и свобода воли. Версия 2018 года»

 Автор: Т. В. Черниговская

  Модной и опасной становится такая постановка вопроса: это сделал не я, это сделал мой мозг. Мозг чуть ли не живет своей жизнью! Профессор, нейролингвист Татьяна Черниговская ставит перед своими слушателями такие вопросы, которые никогда бы не пришли в голову им сами. Немного пугает, немного обнадеживает и заставляет очень уважительно относится к собственному мозгу. «Уже доказано, что большое количество наших действий и вариантов поведения обусл
 О чем думают растения?
 О чем думают растения?

 Автор: Стефано Манкузо
 Год: 2014

  Что чувствуют растения и есть ли у них интеллект? Способны ли они общаться между собой и предугадывать будущее? Как новейшие научные открытия в области растительной нейробиологии повлияют на наше представление о сознании? Оказывается, растения – сложные живые существа, способные к восприятию, борьбе, коммуникации, запоминанию, обучению и социальной жизни. Книга профессора флорентийского университета нейробиолога Стефано Манкузо «О чем думают рас
 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

 Автор: Albanese Alberto

  Hyperkinetic movement disorders comprise a range of diseases characterized by unwanted and uncontrollable, or poorly controllable, involuntary movements. The phenomenology of these disorders is quite variable encompassing chorea, tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, tics, other dyskinesias, jerks and shakes. Discerning the underlying condition can be very difficult given the range and variability of symptoms. But recognizing the phenomenology and unders

 Neuromuscular Disorders
 Neuromuscular Disorders

 Автор: Venance Shannon

  A new addition to the Neurology in Practice series, Neuromuscular Disorders provides a clinical guide to the challenging diagnosis and management of neuromuscular disorders. As a part of the series, various feature boxes are highlighted throughout. «Tips and Tricks» give suggestions on how to improve outcomes through practical technique or patient questioning. In addition, «Caution» warning boxes supply helpful advice on how to avoid problems an
 Traumatic Brain Injury
 Traumatic Brain Injury

 Автор: Diaz-Arrastia Ramon

  Traumatic Brain Injury provides practical, neurological guidance to the diagnosis and management of patients who suffer from traumatic brain injury. Taking a “patient journey” in traumatic brain injury, from prehospital management to the emergency department, into rehabilitation and finally reemergence in the community, it demonstrates how neurologists can facilitate recovery at all points along the way. It provides guidelines and algorithms to
 Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
 Atlas of EEG in Critical Care

 Автор: Brenner Richard

  As the population ages, technology improves, intensive care medicine expands and neurocritical care advances, the use of EEG monitoring in the critically ill is becoming increasingly important. This atlas is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the uses of EEG monitoring in the critical care setting. It includes basic EEG patterns seen in encephalopathy, both specific and non-specific, nonconvulsive seizures, periodic EEG patterns, and
 ABC of Headache
 ABC of Headache

 Автор: Frith Alison

  In its different presentations, headache is one of the most common symptoms seen by family practitioners. The difficulty is in diagnosing the cause of the headache so that the appropriate treatment is provided, or if referral to a specialist is the recommended course of action. The ABC of Headache helps with this dilemma and guides the healthcare professional to look for the possible causes of presenting symptoms. Based on real case histories, e
 Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies
 Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies

 Автор: Engel W. King

  Muscle weakness with ageing is almost inevitable, generally beginning to manifest beyond the age of 40, and is usually unstoppable. It can lead to reduced mobility, increased risk of falling, injury, and even death. But “you’re just getting old” is not a sufficient diagnosis. Specific causes of neuromuscular symptoms may explain progressive muscle weakness, and should be investigated for potential treatment. Muscle Ageing, Inclusion-Body Myositi
 Clinical Electrophysiology. A Handbook for Neurologists
 Clinical Electrophysiology. A Handbook for Neurologists

 Автор: Kaplan Peter W.

  Bridging the clinical electrophysiological investigation with the neurological consultation Acutely ill patients present with symptoms that don’t immediately yield a diagnosis. Electrophysiological testing can support diagnosis but only if the appropriate tests are ordered. They must be properly interpreted in conjunction with the actual symptoms. Clinical Electrophysiology presents a wide range of symptoms with specific electrophysiological res
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