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Nissan Frontier (D40) c 2005 по 2008 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (4 части на английском языке)
Nissan Frontier (D40) c 2005 по 2008 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (4 части на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины

 Автор: Группа авторов

  As modern healthcare becomes increasingly personalized and data-driven, traditional healthcare is being transformed into a dynamic, multi-layered and highly connected global ecosystem. New players, such as medical entrepreneurs and tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and IBM Watson are continuing to expose and challenge the current healthcare market by providing innovative digital products and know-how. Digital health offers both—a suite of
 Introduction to Rhythmical Einreibung
 Introduction to Rhythmical Einreibung

 Автор: Eva-Marie Batschko

  Rhythmical Einreibung as developed by Ita Wegman und Margarethe Hauschka, a manual therapy by which the action of ointments and oils used to treat patients can be enhanced and supported, has for a long time been an effective part of holistic therapy and care. Its specific techniques and usage can improve functional imbalances, alleviate pain, stimulate the warmth organism and initiate and support comprehensive healing processes. This introductio
 Rethinking Medical Ethics
 Rethinking Medical Ethics

 Автор: Jean-Pierre Clero

  In this unique study, Jean-Pierre Clero examines medical ethics from a philosophical perspective. Based on the thoughts of great philosophers, he develops a theory of medical ethics that focuses on the values of intimacy.

 Big Data for Big Pharma
 Big Data for Big Pharma

 Автор: Malena Johannes

  Raising costs, ever-increasing regulatory hurdles, and mounting difficulties in finding the next blockbuster drug are just a few of the challenges Big Pharma currently has to face for its research and development process, the heart of its risky business.
Big Data claims to be full of insights that Big Pharma need to find a way of harvesting, which could lead to new compounds. Academics, Big Data start-ups, and pharmaceutical companies h
 Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy:
 Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy:

 Автор: Heiner Frei

  Precise and Efficient
Polarity analysis is an efficient method that helps a busy practitioner by making the homeopathic prescription faster and more precise. The Swiss physician Heiner Frei developed this method to demonstrate the efficacy of homeopathic treatment of ADHD children in a controlled 5-year clinical study. The study demonstrated highly significant effects of homeopathy.
Polarity analysis is based on Boenninghausen’s
 Blazing Trails of Miracles
 Blazing Trails of Miracles

 Автор: Annette Muller

  Annette Muller describes her path after a tragic car accident. She finds a cure in the field of energy healing. She walks this path and becomes a renowned healer.

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Krankenhauser wandeln sich zu Unternehmen im Wettbewerb und der okonomische Druck wachst. Dazu steigen Qualitatsvorgaben, Fallzahlen und Erwartungen von Patienten, Politik und Gesellschaft – begleitet von Fachkraftemangel und immer haufiger erschopftem und demotivierten Personal.
Diese Herausforderungen sind mit den herkommlichen Denk- und Fuhrungsmustern nicht mehr zu meistern. Neue Blickwinkel und Herangehensweisen sind notwendig – und
 Patient Safety
 Patient Safety

 Автор: Alexander Gungov

  In our time of well-publicized health care travails, in the USA and the UK and elsewhere, matters of financing too often subsume the dimension of patient care. In his latest book, Alexander L. Gungov studies a vital but neglected aspect of patient safety. Of the thousands of medical errors committed on a daily basis, in the bulk of unfortunate clinical decisions, a significant share pertains to various logical flows and epistemological fallacies
 A Systems Analysis of Medicine (SAM): Healing Medicine
 A Systems Analysis of Medicine (SAM): Healing Medicine

 Автор: Ken A. Bryson

  This book is a must-read for anyone interested in transforming the impersonal character of the medical experience into a personalized, relational, spiritual, and holistic dialog about human health.

It promotes a holistic vision of the doctor-patient relationship, a medicine that ought to be based on the totality of the human experience rather than on the reductive view of the patient as a person with a certain disease. <
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