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Современные религиозные течения

> 9781498276283
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Haval F7 / F7x с 2018 года, книга по ремонту в электронном виде
Haval F7 / F7x с 2018 года, книга по ремонту в электронном виде

John Wesley's View and Use of Scripture

John Wesley's View and Use of Scripture
Автор: Mark L. Weeter PhD
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781498276283
Качество: excellent
John Wesley by his own words considered himself a «Man of One Book,» meaning of course the Scriptures. Yet what does this seemingly declarative statement really mean? What was Wesley's view on the inspiration, authority, and even the infallibility of Scripture? This question is more than a historical curiosity when we recognize the current debate between evangelical groups over their views of the authority of Scripture.
Recognizing the debt all Wesleyan movements have to Wesley's teachings and doctrines, this book will attempt to answer some critical questions about Wesley's view and use of the Bible. How did Wesley develop his views? How did he incorporate Scripture into his development of the Methodist movement? What was the position of Scripture in what has become known as the Wesleyan Quadrilateral of reason, experience, tradition, and Scripture? What were his views on inspiration and infallibility and would his principles of interpretation hold up against modern, critical scholarship?
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what influence did Wesley's view and use of the Bible have upon the success of the Wesleyan Revival? Are there lessons we can still learn from Wesley that could impact the world and church of the twenty-first century? This book will attempt to answer these and many other fascinating questions about John Wesley, a «Man of One Book.»

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Просмотров: 7

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